Project Client & Endcustomer Year Description Link
Design of AISY equipment AISY SPIE Belgium
SPIE Belgium

2020 - Present

AISY (Audio Identification SYstem) is a selective vehicle detection system, aimed for buses and tramways. AISY offers a complete solution for cross light priority for public transport vehicles and railroad switch control for tramways.

  • OAS9200 ("eYocto"): Processor card
    • Compatible with OAS9210 ("YoctoZEC"), central processing unit 
    • As intermediate solution before e-generation
    • Rack mounted
    • Configuration via USB, ethernet or via user interface
    • Upgrading and logfile exports via USB and ethernet
    • Serial communication via RS232 or USB-to-RS232
    • Compatible with all demodulator, relais and expansion cards until e-generation


  • OAS9310 ("eZEC"): Central processing unit
    • Successor of OAS9210
    • DIN-rail mounted
    • Configuration via USB, ethernet or via user interface
    • Upgrading and logfile exports via USB and ethernet
    • Serial communication via RS232 or USB-to-RS232
    • Compatible with the newest demodulators OAS9330 (eDEM) and relais cards OAS9340 (eCON)
  • OAS9330 ("eDEM"): Demodulator
    • Successor of OAS4930
    • DIN-rail mounted
    • Configuration via eZEC
  • OAS9340 ("eCON"): Relay board
    • Successor of OAS6030
    • DIN-rail mounted
    • Configuration via eZEC
  • OAS4210 : Intelligent antenna
    • stand-alone antenna with build-in intelligence & configuration parameters
    • send data to the ground loops according to its configuration
  • OAS4220 : Drivers interface
    • interface to a driver to set the correct configuration of the OAS4210 smart antenna
Production of AISY equipment AISY SPIE Belgium
SPIE Belgium

De Lijn
De Lijn
2018 - Present

AISY (Audio Identification SYstem) is a selective vehicle detection system, aimed for buses and tramways. AISY offers a complete solution for cross light priority for public transport vehicles and railroad switch control for tramways.

  • OAS4210: Intelligent antenna 
    (>25 pieces)
  • OAS4220: Drivers interface
    (>25 pieces)
  • OAS4120: Transmission antennas that are placed below the vehicle
    (>1800 pieces)


  • Selective prefab ground loops that are placed between the railwaytracks or in the road surface
    (>30 pieces)
Design and production of a vehicle counting system nanoZEC SPIE Belgium
SPIE Belgium*

2021 - Present

The M6100 ("NanoZEC") is a (up to 32 lane) vehicle counting system in a 19-inch 1U casing. It interfaces with SIAT detection cards and can calculate the number of vehicles, speeds, lengths,... for every lane indivually. The system has several RS232 ports and ethernet connectivity for configuration as well as for reading out the calculated results. 


Regardless of its current application, the device is designed as a universal 19-inch 1U embedded computer with a basic user interfae that can be configured as desired and can communicate with up to 6 channels at the same time trough various interfaces (ethernet, RS232, RS485, ...) and protocols. A built-in battery management system allows (temporary) operation on an externally connectable battery.



 * SPIE Belgium is the only and official distributor of this product

Design and realisation of a conveyor Counter NaqiConveyorCounter NAQI


Conveyor belt counter with auditory and colored feedback every multiple of an adjustable value. Mounted in a 3D-printed housing. This product was designed on-demand of the client.

Repair of AISY equipment AISY SPIE Belgium
SPIE Belgium

De Lijn
2019 - Present

AISY (Audio Identification SYstem) is a selective vehicle detection system, aimed for buses and tramways. AISY offers a complete solution for cross light priority for public transport vehicles and railroad switch control for tramways.

  • OAS4930: Decoder of the by vehicle sended datasignals
OAS4930old OAS4930new
  • OAS6030 & OAS6040: Extension cards and relais cards for decoding and further threatment of the datasignals
OAS6030 OAS6040
  • >200 pieces
(Partial) Development of a powerful and flexible video wall control system for Glassiled Motion glasses
Video file

AGC Glass Europe
AGC Glass Europe
2018 - 2019

Glassiled Motion is a dynamic glass product by AGC. It consists of architectural glasses with LEDs mounted in a fixed array. The LEDs are individually controllable & dimmable. Doing so, animations can be played on the glass. When using RGB LEDs and when large sections of a building are equipped with Glassiled Motion, the building’s facade becomes a video screen while preserving transparency from within the building.

The lightning control systems aims at providing a flexible system that can be used both for large video walls or smaller projects. Its consists of 3 (hierachical) building blocks that can be combined into controller systems that conveniently control either a single glass, a group of glasses or a whole wall of glasses.

This project was a cooperation with our partners Brandneww and ThomasVDD. RED (as subcontractant of BrandNeww) was responsible for the development of the last building block (i.e. the block closest to the glass) that takes data and configuration settings from other building blocks and sends the data to 2 Glassiled Motion glasses according to these settings. 

Automated LED-current verification system for Glassiled Motion production GlassiledController AGC
AGC Glass Europe

2017 - 2018

To test Glassiled Motion glasses during production, the current through the different LEDs needs to be tested to verify whether the current is within tolerance and whether there are no faulty LEDs. The developed system is able to turn ON and OFF the glass power supply and individual LEDs and monitor their current with a multimeter in an automated way. The system will log all currents and produce a report with all currents, faults and statistics.
An additional 1-to-12 glass splitter was developped as well.

Design and realization of a compact, USBpowered fluorescence lifetime benchtop meter Master thesis Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The objective was to design and realize a fluorescence lifetime meter. The device needed to be as compact as possible and USB-powered. The design includes hardware design, PCB design and software design. The result was a functional protoype, measuring fluorescence lifetimes. This project was awarded the IMEC-price for best master thesis of the faculty engineering of the year 2014.

This technology was later on studied in more detail and the device improved further during a PhD.