Red & White Creations BV was founded in February 2017 to professionalize electronic hobby projects. Over the years the equipement, tools and software has been expanded to be able to handle bigger designs, extended prototyping and small productions.


'RED', under the lead of Robin Deleener, focuses on electronic design. He was a (PhD)student at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) where he finished his Master of Science in Electronics Engineering. Electronic hobby projects and student jobs growed out to succesfull projects (see references) wherefore this company was created.
A more detailed biography can be found on LinkedIn.



'WHITE', is an intern part that focuses on content creation, documentation, translations, etc.  



In April 2021 we moved to a new location. A commercial space of 86m² in Paal (Beringen) with a separate development and production area offers space for current activities as well as for future expansions.

Paal_OntwikkelingsRuimte Paal_Buiten Paal_ProductieRuimte